About Us
SIDE QUESTは東京を拠点としている翻訳における多国籍のプロフェッショナルで結成した、ゲームやアニメ、映画など作品の英語⇔日本語専門の翻訳チームです。インターネットの時代で日々進化し続ける文化の中、素敵な作品たちを他言語で"どう伝えるか"、"どうすれば楽しんでもらえるか"を常に研究し、話し合いながらお客様の希望に沿った形でローカライズしております。
Side Quest is a localization team specializing in English and Japanese languages. The team consists of native speakers of both languages with a love for writing, a very high degree of skill in their non-native languages and a great love and appreciation of their respective cultures. We work together to provide high-quality translation in both English and Japanese that not only retains as much meaning, nuance and feeling from the original text as possible, but also (and most importantly) provides a text that will be interesting and enjoyable for the people who will experience the project in that language. If you have a project you'd like to release in Japan and you'd like to discuss the possibility of localizing with us, please don't hesitate to reach out!
English Staff: Alongside our Japanese-speaking staff, we'll work through your project together discussing how best to capture everything that makes your project great and bring that into the Japanese release! Japanese and English are such different languages and translating between the two can be very difficult, but our team has grown to love the process of finding the best way to bring all kinds of projects into both English and Japanese.